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Wie passen Hackathon und Land zusammen? Das erfahrt Ihr auf dem Deutsch-polnischen Online-Hackathon für lokale und nachh...

Wie passen Hackathon und Land zusammen? Das erfahrt Ihr auf dem Deutsch-polnischen Online-Hackathon für lokale und nachhaltige Geschäftsmodellinnovationen.

Innovating regional, sustainable, and resilient business models for the common good

The economic and social effects of the corona pandemic in the Polish-German border region have highlighted the importance of local and highly networked structures. In the future, it will be even more important to develop or redesign regional public services of general interest and infrastructures in an ecologically, socially and economically sustainable manner.

In this interdisciplinary online hackathon, we aim to identify current challenges, problems and potentials in the cross-border region of Szczecin, Uecker-Randow and Uckermark. Together with dedicated people from different areas (economy & technology, art & design, ecology & sustainability as well as politics & science) we aim to develop new ideas, strategies and solutions for resilient models of public services and infrastructures.

  • Why? - Motivation:
    Under the title Re:Local we are exploring new ideas, solutions and strategies for developing innovative and sustainable business models with a focus on regional networks of added value, localizing value chains and exploring local assets.
  • What? - Challenges:
    Challenges are proposed by regional stakeholders and can be problems, needs and constraints or new or unexplored potentials and assets in the region.
  • How? - Format:
    #RegioHack is a cross-border online hackathon that centers on the development of innovative, sustainable and local business models in the polish region of Szczecin and the german regions of  Uecker-Randow and Uckermark with a special focus on public services of general interest and infrastructures.
  • When? - Schedule:
    In a 48-hour innovation challenge, we invite creative practitioners, local experts and international coaches from the Polish and German part of the regional area to collaborate and create inspiring ideas, concepts and solutions based on challenges that are proposed by regional stakeholders.

More information and registration:

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