
Infos zum Förderprogramm

Bewerbungsfrist: 14.03.21 | Arbeitsbeginn: 01.09.21 | Gehalt: Bis zu 3.479 € je Monat + Zuschläge | 

Sind Sie daran interessiert, die Auswirkungen von kollaborativen Arbeitsräumen in ländlichen und peripheren Gebieten zu erforschen?

  • Welche Auswirkungen haben gemeinschaftliche Büroprojekte auf ländliche Räume?
  • Wie können sie als Instrument für die regionale Entwicklung besser genutzt werden? 

Das länderübergreifende Forschungsprojekt CORAL sucht Antworten auf diese Fragen. Aktuell sind 15 Stellen für Nachwuchswissenschaftler ausgeschrieben, für eine Dauer von 3 Jahren.

Beschreibung in Englisch
CORAL aims to unpack the latent dynamics and impacts of collaborative workspaces (hereafter CWS) in rural and peripheral areas and integrate them as development tools in local and regional policies to open up new potentials for socio-economic development. Whereas we have observed the rapid rise of CWS in urban agglomerations in the past 15 years, there is now a gradual rise of CWS in rural and peripheral areas too. However, there is as yet no clear evidence about their functions, impacts and the ways that policymaking could promote rural CWS and assist in linking the development of CWS with processes of local and regional socio-economic development. In fact, that policy link is much needed for those disadvantaged or peripheral places, as only a few EU policies have assisted, in a fragmented way, the development of CWS in peripheral and rural areas. At the same time, there is an urgent need for qualified professionals in academia, administrations and policy, to effectively promote tools such as CWS in the lagging parts of the EU and by that, open up new development options.

The CORAL project will offer specialised and tailor-made training to 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR: PhD candidates), helping them to better understand and support the development processes of CWS in rural and peripheral areas and their wider impacts at the local and regional level as well as at the level of the individual worker and the enterprise. Moreover, through different means of dissemination and exploitation (knowledge exchange days, CORAL schools, digital platform), the impacts of CORAL aim to reach a wider audience ranging from public policymakers to private stakeholders and CWS communities across the EU.

The 15 ESR projects include intersectoral secondments, local and network-wide transferable, theoretical as well as methodological skills training. The project will actively assist PhD candidates in achieving a doctoral degree within the scheduled time of three years. All fellows will have the unique opportunity to work in interdisciplinary and multinational teams with excellent links to national and international research networks.

The CORAL consortium consists of nine beneficiaries (five academic and four non-academic) and six partner organisations (four academic and two non-academic) from six EU Member States. More information about CORAL can be found on the project website:

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